“There’s Immense Pain Along My Shins”

Shin splints refers to pain along the front of the leg. Many runners, dancers and other athletes complain of pain along the large shin bone. The medical term for shin splints is “medial tibial stress syndrome.” This pain occurs in the athletes who have increased or changed their exercises, or ramp up their activities. The muscles, tendons and tissue have been overworked with increased activities and do not have the proper conditions to recover.

Most Common Symptoms of Shin Splints

Most victims of shin splints complain of tenderness along the inner part of their lower leg, as well as occasional swelling in the lower leg. Shin splints are a factor of repetitive overuse or stress on the shinbone as well as the connective tissues which attach muscles to the bone. At risk patients include, runner, those who play sports on hard surfaces with sudden stops, those athletes who run on uneven terrain, or those patients with flat feet or higher arches. If you continue to have pain to your shinbone, your physician may conduct x-rays to rule out fracture/stress fractures of your shinbone. But a thorough discussion with your physician of your clinical symptoms helps to make the diagnosis of shin splints.

Popular Shin Splint Treatments & Methods of Pain Relief

Podiatry becomes a factor with shin splints as a change in footwear to more supportive shoes or inserts as well as modification of activity can help the recurrence of the shin splints. Shin splints are treated with RICE therapy (rest, elevation, compression, ice). Some physicians may also attempt anti-inflammatory medication to help with the pain and swelling along the shins. To prevent recurrence, a gradual increase in activity is warranted as well as the possibility of using orthotics and supportive shoes. If you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to make an appointment with your podiatrist.

Do you believe you’re suffering from shin splints? Let us check it out for you! Contact Worthington Foot & Ankle today and schedule your first appointment.

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